European Doctoral College Lille Nord-Pas de Calais


From doctoral research to innovation applications

The European Doctoral College Université Lille Nord de France[1] is a hub for doctoral researchers and contributes to the Lisbon strategy to make Europe 'the most competitive and knowledge-based economy in the world and a reference for high quality and excellence in education'.[2] The doctoral college groups together 6 doctoral schools supported by research laboratories in Lille-Kortrijk Eurodistrict and related universities in the Euroregion including Belgium and French Nord - Pas de Calais. It aims to strengthen academic and research cooperation among the universities in the Euroregion.

It is often stated that the international attraction of a region is based on a sustainable combination of first-class university institutes and cosely knit links between education, research and society. The purpose of the doctoral college is to contribute and maintain the sustainability of such a combination in the Lille-Nord de France region, as this European region includes over a hundred thousand university students and more than ten thousand researchers. Lille-Nord de France claims[3] as one of the few European hub regions recognised for their academic excellence and innovation. Research domains are supported by several hundred Master/research curricula from the University of Lille-Nord de France and partners institutes, as the first step towards doctoral studies within the doctoral college.

In addition to fundamental research, applied research is a key aspect of the doctoral college, supporting the emergence of innovation. The doctoral college is embedded in several world-class competitiveness clusters located in the Nord de France region with strong links to industry applications. Incubators for start-up companies (such as Eurasanté and MITI-incubation) are located on the campus sites in the Lille area.

Most researchers at the doctoral college are partially funded through grants from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) or from the French Agence nationale pour la Recherche (ANR). Applied research is also funded through university-industry joint programmes (CIFRE).

Members and partners

French research teams associated to the European Doctoral College are hosted in the following academic institutes listed in the Académie de Lille:[4]

Belgium universities and research teams[5] are partners of the European Doctoral College.

Other institutes and universities cooperate in the European doctoral college.

Doctoral schools attached to the European doctoral college

Six doctoral schools are included in the European Doctoral College with 3,000 registered PhD students in 139 research labs:

Related research institutes


  1. ^ European Doctoral College Lille Nord de France
  2. ^ EACEA
  3. ^ Introduction to the European Doctoral College of Lille - Nord Pas de Calais
  4. ^ Academie de Lille
  5. ^ Belgium universities and research teams
  6. ^ SPI doctoral school
  7. ^ SPI research labs
  8. ^ SMRE doctoral school
  9. ^ SMRE research labs
  10. ^ BSL doctoral school
  11. ^ BSL research labs
  12. ^ SESAM doctoral school
  13. ^ SESAM research labs
  14. ^ SHS doctoral school
  15. ^ SHS research labs
  16. ^ SJPG doctoral school
  17. ^ SJPG research labs

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